Hydrogen-electric technology developer ZeroAvia has signed an agreement with newly launched green airline Ecojet for 70 of its ZA600 hydrogen-electric engines, alongside a larger order for 80 of the ZA2000 engines.
Ecojet, unveiled by entrepreneur Dale Vince in July 2023, is the world’s first “green airline”. It plans to enter service using conventional propulsion regional aircraft in 2024, flying routes to and from Edinburgh.
Ecojet anticipates it will enter the market with green aircraft in 2025, with ZeroAvia’s engine technology retrofitted on its existing fleet, subject to certification. This, if successful, will make it the world’s first electric airline.
The powertrains have been financed via MONTE, a green finance and leasing provider, which ZeroAvia signed an agreement with for 100 engines back in June 2023. MONTE will provide finance for the purchase, installation and operation of the engines for Ecojet. It will also make the green airline its first confirmed customer.
“The technology is here now. Carbon-free, guilt-free flying is just around the corner,” said Ecojet’s founder, Dale Vince. “We don’t have to give up flying to live a green lifestyle or to get to net zero as a country – and this is big news.”
It’s worth noting that whilst ZeroAvia is on track for certification for its ZA600 powertrain, it still has over a year left to test and refine the final product. It recently completed a programme of 10 test flights of a prototype of this powertrain using a Dornier 228 aircraft at its base in Kemble, Gloucestershire.
ZeroAvia’s CEO, Val Miftakhov, said: “Clean aviation will mean increased regional air travel and new routes. Ecojet can capitalise based on their clear focus on low-emission travel.”