has signed a long-term agreement with Willis Aviation Services (Willis) to undergo “C-Checks” for its 737s at Teesside Airport. C-Checks involve examinations of the aircraft’s tyres, fluid levels, brakes, avionics systems, flight controls, engines, landing gear, structural components, exterior, and electrical systems.

Willis, which leases Hangar 2 at the airport as a base for maintenance, storage, and disassembly, holds a Jet Centre at Teesside to provide ground handling services for business, cargo, and military aircraft.

“At Jet2, safety and reliability are at the heart of everything we do,” added Chris Hubbard, Director of Engineering and Maintenance at “We are confident that Willis Aviation Services Limited’s proven capability and commitment to quality will ensure our fleet continues to meet the highest standards, enabling us to continue delivering an exceptional experience to our customers.”

Jet2 also uses Teesside Airport-based Airbourne Colours for aircraft painting services, a facility that was newly opened in October 2024.

“This agreement highlights our commitment to delivering premier MRO solutions while supporting Jet2’s fleet, fostering local economic growth and creating skilled jobs in the UK aerospace industry,” said Austin Willis, Willis Lease Finance Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer.

Photo: Teesside Airport